Green Business, Green Values, and Sustainability

edited by Christos Pitelis, Jack Keenan and Vicky Pryce


ISBN-10: 0415883822

ISBN-13: 978-0415883825

Publisher: Routledge

Date of publication: April 2011


This work is developed from the Global Business Symposium on "Green Business and Green Values", organised by CIBAM in February 2009, which brought together leading academics, scientists, government leaders, and business executives to consider the transformation in business values and strategies implicit in sustainability.


The proceedings of the symposium are compiled in this concise and authoritative book on the green transformation of business. The volume examines the dramatic changes in business values and strategies that have taken place in recent years in response to the sustainability imperative. It features contributions by Elizabeth Anastasi, Richard Broyd, Jeff Grogan, Alejandro Gutierrez, Noreena Hertz, Edward Hyams, Jack Keenan, Debra Lam, Michael Littlechild, Alexandra Mandelbaum, Christos Pitelis, Michael Pollitt, David Roth, Jochen Runde, J.C. Spender, and Sir Crispin Tickell.


A key message of the February 2009 Symposium and of the book is that today greenness is goodness and non-greenness is not an option. It is therefore critical to advance thinking on why and how business, consumers and policy makers can contribute to the goal of sustainable global wealth creation. The present volume aims to make a contribution in this direction. It is an analysis of the strategic sustainability issues confronting contemporary business, and an exploration of the transformations in values, strategies and practices to attain sustainable business. Different solutions to sustainability are explored, including ethical approaches, alternative environmental strategies, corporate responsibility, and carbon reductions. The objective is to offer a succinct and authoritative guide to a rapidly developing series of business initiatives.


We hope that the book will appeal to a large international market, including undergraduate and postgraduate university business degrees, as supplementary reading in courses on business strategy, business policy, business ethics, sustainability and management and organisation studies; short executive programmes in business strategy, business ethics and sustainability; as well as government and industry policy makers in both advanced and developing countries.


Table of Contents


 "CIBAM and the Symposium on 'Green Business and Green Values'." CHRISTOS N. PITELIS

 "Humans: Then, Now, and Looking Ahead." SIR CRISPIN TICKELL

 "The End of Gucci Capitalism." NOREENA HERTZ

 "The Energy Challenge." EDWARD HYAMS

 "Economizing, Innovating, and Economic Sustainability: A Business School Perspective." CHRISTOS N. PITELIS AND JOCHEN RUNDE

 "Green Values in Communities: How and Why to Engage Individuals with Decarbonization Targets." MICHAEL POLLITT

 "Green Business and Green Values: A Perspective from Government."      ELIZABETH ANASTASI

 "Sustainability of Corporate Profit." JACK KEENAN

 "Doing Good Is Good Business." DAVID ROTH

 "Demonstrating Goodness." MICHAEL LITTLECHILD


  "Considering Green Business and Green Values." J.C. SPENDER


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